Summer Facebook Fundraiser
Summer Facebook Fundraiser
The summer fundraiser for the Dale Huff Memorial Scholarship Fund is underway. It's been a week now, and as of this writing we've achieved almost 25% of our goal! This event runs through August. I know that probably everyone on this mailing list has already donated, but just in case, feel free to either donate right here on this website, or go to the Facebook Fund Raising Event I created. Also, if you haven't already, please share the fundraiser with your friends. The more people we reach, the more help we can give.
Time To Expand The Fund
You may be wondering what the plans are for the money raised. So far, we've been able to create the Dale Huff Outstanding Musician Awards at the Maine State Jazz Festival and the Dale Huff Outstanding Program Award via the Maine Music Educators Association (read more about these on the Blog page). I would like to continue those awards this coming school year, but want to expand on that. My hope is to create scholarships for summer music programs, and a college scholarship for those persuing a music degree. I would also like to help provide instruments to low-income students in the future.
Thank You
I want to thank everyone that has dontated, shared, and otherwise supported this organization. Dad put his heart and soul into teaching, and that never faltered, even in the last years of his career. I want to make sure his legacy continues. Your help is the only way I can make that happen. So from the bottom of my heart and soul, thank you!Scotty Huff